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French Day

French Day - A reward for collecting 10,000 Reading miles! 

As a school we have been collecting Reading Miles, we receive 10 miles for every time we read at home and write it in our reading log, Each week the winning class has had a treat, the treats have included table tennis tables at break time, bubbles, icecream, lollies and extra playtime.  We have loved hearing which class wins each week in Celebration Assembly.  

We hit our target just in time for the end of term and were able to have a fabulous day.  We learnt some French songs, built models of the Eiffel Tower using spaghetti and Marshmallows, were inspired by the book 'A Walk in Paris', completed some Mona Lisa artwork and had a fantstique French Cafe at the end of the day.  


A French Story from Madame Morris