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School News

Here you will find all our latest news! 

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  • Christingle

    Published 20/12/22

     On the penultimate day of the Autumn term we held a Christingle service at the Church.  All the children spent the morning making a Christingle these were then lit at the end of the Church service.  For many of us this is a very special part of Christmas,  we were lucky that so many parents and community members were able to come along too. 




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  • Rudolph Run for St Michaels Hospice

    Published 12/12/22

    On a very frosty morning on the 8th of December the whole school took on a challenge to raise money for a great charity.  



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  • Hey Ewe Nativity

    Published 07/12/22

    Just some of the photographs

    Nativity is always a highlight of the year and 2022 was no exception, we performed 'Hey Ewe' to two different audiences and had a whale of a time. Well done to all the children and teachers that made it such a fabulous performance and to all the grown ups for coming along.





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  • Keeping Safe - A visit from PC Steph

    Published 02/12/22

    PC Steph visited school in November to talk to us about keeping safe now that it is getting dark earlier.  She also talked to us about her job as a police officer. 


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  • Jubilee Field Tree Planting

    Published 25/11/22



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  • The Pudding Mix 2022

    Published 20/11/22

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Tree Planting November 2022

    Published 19/11/22
    Planting fun gallery Today we planted over 100 trees at the Jubilee Field,
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  • Jubilee Field

    Published 28/10/22

    Over the last year, we have been working to develop an additional learning space.  The Jubilee field is a field that is located just a short walk from school along public footpaths.  Over the next few years we will be developing the space the plans include: - 

    • Planting Trees to encourage wildlife and insects
    • Developing a pond area 
    • Creating spaces for children to engage with the great outdoors through all curriculum areas. 


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